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Hands Free Off Door Handle Opener Keyring 6mm


  • is ideal for opening doors and post boxes
  • for carrying carrier bags, and will easily lift up to 9kg in weight.
  • Made from clear cast acrylic
  • easily cleaned with alcohol gel (and other sanitisers) and soap and water.
  • 10cm x 9cm x 0.7cm

The “hands off” door opener is designed to be used so you do not touch communal objects, which should significantly decrease the spread of germs. The main advantage is that you can neither spread the virus with your hands or be in contact with surfaces which may have germs on them. The opener should be cleaned between use by different individuals (or by the same individual if another surface has been touched between uses of the door opener). We would also strongly advise that the opener is cleaned between opening doors/handles or carrying different items to prevent any possibility of surface to surface transmission. This item is ideal for opening doors and post boxes, and for carrying carrier bags, and will easily lift up to 9kg in weight. Made from clear cast acrylic, it can be easily cleaned with alcohol gel (and other sanitizers) and soap and water. Sizes are approximately 100mm x 90mm x 7mm.


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